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Anjanette Conway is one of the most incredible women I have ever met. She is incrediblly thorough, detailed, respectful, and above all, kind. I have worked with Anjanette several times and I have been amazed by her knowledge, insight and work ethic. She is always present when she is with me; and gives 100% to what she is doing! I will always look forward to working with Anjanette and know I will work with her for a long time to come.
As a fellow intuitive, I find working with Anjanette to be beautiful. She is so blessed with spiritual and intuitive gifts that she has pure confidence in. Spirit is with her and
she is incredibly divinely connected.
— Claire Marie
Working with Anjanette has been a delightful journey. She is a gifted coach! She brings her wealth of knowledge, compassion and intuition to each session. She has helped me to find a true sense of peace and direction in my journey and healing. It has been an honor to work with her.
— Kristi
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I have known Anjanette for almost 10 years. We met each other in a crafting group.
Both of my parents have past away. She has given me great insight into their afterlife. This has given me great comfort.
— Kathy
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Anjanette is a real deal prophet and healer. If you have come across Anjanette it is for a reason, and you should schedule a session immediately. This is not some hocus pocus nonsense. She has a gift from The Universe and she will help you. Anjanette is a Light Worker. Just as everyone has God given gifts, such as singing or drawing or cooking, Anjanette is blessed with the ability to heal, encourage direction and find purpose. Would you spend money on a concert to enjoy another’s musical ability? Or how about on a piece of art? How much money do you spend on dining at restaurants enjoying the talents of the kitchen staff? The benefits you will receive from meeting with Anjanette do not begin to compare to simple forms of “entertainment” or “fulfillment”. Anjanette will permanently change your life. Are you ready?
— Lin Swenson
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I would recommend Anjanette to anyone who is looking to get in touch with their spiritual side and get to know their angles and guides better. Anjanette has been coaching me since 2015 and it has been quite a journey. She has gifts - for communicating with those I cannot see, and for relaying their messages with kindness, truth, and love. While it felt like a vulnerable situation in the beginning, she is so genuine and sincere in her intentions that shortly after we started the first session Anjanette made me feel comfortable and safe. The insight I have gained through my time with her has helped me grow as a person and develop a deeper knowledge of myself, both the strong points and the areas with potential. Does it sometimes take a little bit to process what she shares and see how it makes sense in my life? Sure. She passes on what she gets from the guides and it’s up to me from there. Black and white it is not, but it isn’t that hard either. After all, consider the source - my guides know me pretty well and know what I need to hear. And I have to admit that getting to know my guides and fairy has been an absolute blast!
— Steffen
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Anjanette is one of those unforgettable bright lights. Her soul shines through her smile, her hugs, and her wisdom. I have known her for over 20 years and she consistently serves others and has an undeniable gift for reading people. People open up to her almost instantly, often sharing their deepest struggles. She is not afraid to ask tough questions and help people discover the answers within them. If you need a coach, Anjanette is amazing.
— Mary
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